Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yeah, It's Pretty Intense

Well guys, I've just finished spring term at SOU and now i'm preparing to move out for summer and then get ready to go to Japan in October. I think i'm more excited about this trip than anything before, yet really nervous at the same time. I know it'll be worth every minute whether i'm scared to death or not!

I'm going to keep this blog up and running through out my time abroad. I bought a sweet new little camera so i can show you all the amzing things I see!

gonna miss everyone in Ashland a ton when i'm gone. You guys have made my two years here incredible. And of course, all my good friends back home too. Going away for nine months at a time is tough, but not nearly as hard as when i'll be half away around the globe and unable to come see ya'll.

Anyway, keep it real when i'm gone!

1 comment:

  1. Luke (This is how you comment withut an account guys!)July 4, 2009 at 2:43 AM

    Hey, so some people have asked me about how to comment on thse posts without an account. I think this is how you can make it work --->

    Where is says "Comment As" click the drop down and then choose name/URL. it brings up a new box.
    You can just type your name in the first field and leave the second blank. Then just leave your comment. Easy peasy
